Gwee + Tests + Qi En/Derek
Lots to blog about today... 1) Ms Gwee got pissed off again 2) Tests 3) Convo with ben and ju over apples (and other random stuff)
So this is gonna be a long post...unless you have lots of time, i suggest you just read certain sections.
Its like theres this dark cloud hanging over her head these few days. It is speculated that it is due to PMS. She walked into class today with that "sain" look and saw the large pile or worksheets (which she had asked us to REDO in the first place) on the teacher's table. She sighed. "I just had a busy weekend...I'm now a student again...I had to do this 400-word essay...And now I'm going to have to mark this pile of worksheets." We stoned. Hey, you were the one who complained about how our presentation "sucks" in the first place and made us redo the entire worksheet even if we got all correct (in the case of Derek, that is), so its double the marking for you. Don't come groaning to us about how tired or how sian you are.
"2N, so i guess you need some scolding before you all wake up, eh?" she smirked. We stoned. She then started the lesson proper. "...sin 30=0.9544, what's cos 60?" We stoned. "Looks like you want me to call numbers, huh?" We stoned. "16." It was me. "Er, 0.9544" I replied.
This went on for a few more minutes b4 we came to the BIG question. This diagram was:
(courtesy of WQ)
The question: "If I give you the length of DH and HG (ie the length and height), how would you find angle M?" We stoned. She asked again. We stoned. She got pissed. "Well, if you don't want to bother about your own learning, then I won't care either." *picks up pile of books and worksheets and slams shut lid of marker case* "Remember, its your results, not mine. Class stand." We stoned. She gave us a glare, then stormed out of the class. We stoned, then a few seconds later broke into noisy chatter. Well, it was our recess, anyway.
In case you were wondering, the question is unsolvable with such limited info. If, however, the width was given, then the question would be solvable. NOTE: HM does NOT equal the length. If you looked closely, you would see that it is in fact a slanted line that does not run parallel to line DC. The closest answer you can get is:
Let the midpoint of line DH be N And the length, breadth and height of the cuboid be L, B and H respectively. NM = (sqrt)[L2 + (½B)2] Angle M = 2(cos-1 NM/NH)
Don't worry if you didn't understand it, though. xD
The next chance i get, I'm gonna tell Gwee that we did not respond and "did not bother about our learninng" because HER QUESTON WAS UNSOLVABLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
The class was in fact planning to walk out of the class if she flared up again...but ironically, it was the teacher, not the students, then left the class in a huff. Serious case of PMS. Main symptom: Mood Swing.
NOTE: This section contains most personal rants. If you are more interested in class affairs, skip to the next section.
As mentioned in my previous post, we had History and Lit tests today. Hist was ok, i managed to finish just on time, altho i crapped qn b up cos i couldn't find any obvious differences between the two sources =.=
Lit test, however, was badly done. We were tested on the Merchant of Venice, and i confess that i took the test without actually reading thru the whole book yet. I looked at the passage for part a, decided that i couldn't dechiper much of what it was saying, so i did part b instead. I think im the only person in the class who made such a risky choice.
My organisation sucked. i couldn't rmb how Jessica had been caring towards Shylock (i thought it had smth to do with the court case, but couldn't quite rmb what it was specifically.) So i just crapped that "Shylock had shown a certain degree of love and care for Jessica."
The good thing is that KC didn't check our SLC portfolios after all :P
i already felt pretty down after the lit test. The next period was english, which was supposed to be one of my better subjects. However... 1) Blow no. 1: Mrs Yong returned us our oral exam results. I was one of the 8 in class which got lower marks in the retest as compared to the first one. i was against a retest all along, and i was right. perhaps its due to the fact that i was in a better group the first time round... 2) Blow no. 2: Mrs Yong said that draft 2 of my personal expo was "very similar to the original one...more of "corrections" rather than "revision." Ok, so maybe i didn't put as much effort in draft 2, but at least i got an A1. Tried to brighten myself up by laughing at YYY's humourous cheem essay, felt a little better, but... 3) Blow no. 3: Mrs Yong returned us our worksheet on World Englishes. I had done part of it together with JJ, referring to the exact same grammar dictionary, so some of our answers were similar. JJ got a "B", whereas mine came back ungraded, with the comments: "Did you copy Jing Jie's work or was it the other way around?" WTF. Our answers are similar because we copied the definitions from the SAME DICTIONARY. >:[
Eventually, my pissiness was replaced with the frustration of the West Zone Selection Test during Maths Quiz Training. It was one of the past-year competition papers, and its like...50 qns in 1.5 hours?! 4 marks for correct answer, -1 for wrong. Even derek had difficulty with it.
After MQT, i followed Ben and Julian to Poolside, and then to the bus stop, and we talked about some class matters along the way...which brings me to Section 3.
Section 3 - Wormy Apple and Other Class Stuff
NOTE: The things written in the section are all FACTS.
So ben, ju and me were chatting togther. Naturally, one of the first topics of discussion was about Qi En. According to ben, he has this class list in which he marked who has bullied him. And all except 4 people were marked as bullies in the list. Bing Heng, unsurprisingly, was highlighted in pink and had two asterisks drawn beside his name.
Oookay. So QE saying that I bullied him. NINGYU bullied him. ZHAOXING bullied him. GARY bullied him. BEN bullied him. Wow. Even our FT doesnt believe it. once, when he was giving ben a lift, QE's mother called. After he hung up, he commented: "That list sure fake one lah."
Oh, you want to know who was excluded from the list? Well, the people are: Derek, Wei Qi, Aaron and Andai. As much as I would like to comment on those people, i must strictly adhere to facts so as not to be accused of slander etc. So, ill leave you to ponder over the choice of the 4 people yourselves.
Hey, if you want to label the whole class as enemies and isloate yourself with your small group of "friends", you are just inviting more trouble. Even, I, now, am beginning to feel pissed at your actions.
Somehow, i think that due to that *cough*fake*cough* list, Mr Edmund Teo, our school's trained counsellor, will be making a visit to our class soon.
We also chatted about other stuff, especially about Derek. Sadly, i do not think i can post some of the more negative stuff we said about him, so i guess its safer to talk about things more neutral. For one, i realised that derek actually plays games, according to ben. No, not Neopets. However, i do not know what game that is, for ben has to keep to his promise to derek to not reveal which game he plays. If you're a busybody, go pester ben or derek for more info. Not me.
I think i've spent almost one entire hour on this extremely long post, so here's LZC signing off to play Audition. xD