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v. The Singaporean version of cramming for exams, i.e. scanning notes into one's brain. As if it wasn't filled with enough junk already.
Only if Necessary
adv. The night before for classroom assessments; one day for lecture tests; and one day and night (per subject) for major examinations.
This author is currently on hiatus for the ignoble cause of mugging. The public is advised to remain calm, as this routine protocol has been shown to have no effect on one's violent tendencies in 96% of cases.
Monday, March 19, 2007 |
Ancient Insanity
Was forced to attend the second round of rehersals for the crappy Founder's Day prize presentation ceremony today afternoon - what a waste of time again. And such useless rehersals can really drive someone bonkers lor.
And to prove how crazy they really are, i was mad enough to pia an Ancient Empires II (yes, its that game again) skirmish during the entire of the 2 hours which were msotly spent just sitting there. And i was so bored, i still continued playing even after i had obliterated the CPU players' armies and the AI was down to just one last castle. And the remaining time after that became an ultimate grindfest.
2377 turns later (yes, that's what's stated on the saved game!) here are the results:
Making 870 gold a tick, i originally had an enormous store of 500306 gold (i was actually trying to hit the maximum possible amount, though i never made it in time) but somehow the game glitched up and when i loaded the saved game, the amount of gold shown was -23058, wtf. Kena scammed D:
And the AI player was still buying soldiers every 3 turns and stationing them of the castle. Free exp, heh. Too bad i didn't up the unit limit, else it would have been even nicer... ;)
A look at some of my units' stats...
Max level golem, gosh. But as if that wasn't good enough...
Woot, got my king to the max level too, and the exp gained actually overshot the bar...
But probably the most hax of all:
ZOMG, i can't believe i actually did that. Stupid rehersals FTW!
'Twas teh winnar at 9:10 pm.