national day!
Well...what can i say, happy 42nd birthday Singapore! xD (Not to forget the four-and-a-half days long break, too. =3)
And happy birthday to Shummy too, who was unfortunately born 15 minutes before Separation, resulting in me having to dedicate an extra sentence to him. D:
And to commemorate this very very special event, guess what's the school's giving out to all students? Hold your breath...wait for it...wait for it...*gasp*
A set of magnetic castanets!
I mean, there's so many things you can do with them - they can be used as body accesories, or you can link them up to form a nice bracelet. Or you can just repeated press both sides to make an irritating click-clack noise.
(Yeah, the first thing almost every single teacher who walked into our class said was, "I don't want to hear that thing again, or ill confiscate them!")
Man, the national day presents are getting more and more innovative. In primary 3, we got small sling bags; last year, we got tri-colour highlighters; and now, noisy little toys!
I must admit though, they're fun to play with, and great to annoy others too. (If you have one of those, try clicking it right beside your ear. You'll see, er, hear.)
And im sure playing with magnets will develop a sense of national pride in our Singaporean youth today. =P
Other than that, what better way to celebrate national day than with...a performance, lol.
First part of the day: March pass after flag raising. Wasn't there, but heard quite a few of the uniform groups screwed up, though. D: And the band looks cute in their toy-soldier costumes, feather and all. Nothing much different from past years, i guess. xD
Second part: The completely kickass performance by NCC, wushu, and gym. Lol yeah, im bragging here, but it was great that the organisers got all the cool groups to perform this year, with all the amazing stunts and choreography. xD
It was a fair bit of work - had to stay in school till 7.30 pm the day before just to reherse the entire thing over and over again. Though most of the time was spent listening to the emcees and watching 10-year-old videos.
Too bad i was only one of the backstage crew members for gym cos im not as 1337 as those pros like akilan. Still, gym ftw!
(Though i still can't get over the fact that TeoCM made us perform to the background music of "We are Singapore". I mean, wushu gets the fancy costumes and music, while we use the gym tees and flip to a national song. D:)
Third part: Geog lessons and chem retest. Why do teachers like to torment us after all the fun and joy is over?! T_T
At least chem retest was pretty easy, since most of the questions were repeated from past papers de. May even get my first ever full marks for chem, though an A1 would be good enough for me le. =O
Tomorrow: the real NDP. More about it in due time. ^^
PS if anyone managed to get a photo/video of the gym performance, could you send it to me pls? Thanks =P