Click anywhere on the picture (it's that giant baseball, you nut) for the good stuff.
Double-click for info for stalkers - profile, links, archives, fav brand of underwear, PIN no. etc.
v. The Singaporean version of cramming for exams, i.e. scanning notes into one's brain. As if it wasn't filled with enough junk already.
Only if Necessary
adv. The night before for classroom assessments; one day for lecture tests; and one day and night (per subject) for major examinations.
This author is currently on hiatus for the ignoble cause of mugging. The public is advised to remain calm, as this routine protocol has been shown to have no effect on one's violent tendencies in 96% of cases.
Monday, May 05, 2008 |
Online Lessons
Are a pain in the @$$.
So we have like, 1.5 hours every night allocated to this "Online Lessons". In other words, we stay in class with our laptops and do whatever work for whatever subject the period is assigned to.
There's just one snitch. There's no supervising teacher in class.
There's just one other little...problem. The lessons are non-existant.
No, it's not the Great China Firewall blocking the school website. Nor is it that we have no internet access (else i wouldn't be blogging now). It's just that the online resources DO NOT EXIST.
So far, we've had Literature, Chinese, Physics online lessons. And every single time ive scoured the school website and that of the varous departments, iVLE, message boards, email...pretty much everything. To top it off, we didn't even receive proper instructions from the respective subject teachers in the first place.
Tonight's supposed to be Biology online lessons. My hopes (and my heart) jumped a little when i saw the Bio site:

Dizzy with joy, i clicked on the link, and lo! and behold!
404 Not Found
Not Found
The requested URL /BIOBEIJING/index.html was not found on this server.
So don't blame Zack ("YES! I just killed my first terrorist!") or Xian Rong for showing us the hilarious HP promo vid on Facebook (Chen Xing's the star *hinthint*) or basically anyone else who's shouting "Rush first lane! Gogo tower nearly down liao!" We do really want to learn (ya srsly), but it's just that the teachers aren't teaching. :(
And that's probably why the results of previous batches plummeted like shet once they returned from BSC. Though our Maths will probably become damn imba here, with Ms Tey around - They teach Maths, Chem and Geog here, but little else since the school doesn't have enough resources *cough* to send more teachers over.
At least im blogging instead of succumbing to the temptation of CS like those other weak minded fools. HAIL MEH!
'Twas teh winnar at 7:34 pm.