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v. The Singaporean version of cramming for exams, i.e. scanning notes into one's brain. As if it wasn't filled with enough junk already.

Only if Necessary
adv. The night before for classroom assessments; one day for lecture tests; and one day and night (per subject) for major examinations.

This author is currently on hiatus for the ignoble cause of mugging. The public is advised to remain calm, as this routine protocol has been shown to have no effect on one's violent tendencies in 96% of cases.

-=[ Guess who? ]=-

LZC + 09S6C + HCI
a.k.a Werewolf, WereTHEwolfz, The GREAT.
(Kickin', flippin' and breakin' to a smile.)
Amateurish MAD Bboy.
Fun-sized! <_<
Tech half-geek.
Still searching for Identity™.
Thinks 3N'07 is the best class EVAR.
...Too lazy to update his profile. D:

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Mooty Matthew
Kia Wee
Yee Jiunn
Weena (aka Ribena)

09S6C! ♥

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This blog appeared in Digital Life on 17 Oct 2006. View the article here.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It Ain't Worth It.

For the more-than-omnipotent one is not pleased. Thus there shall be consequences, it has been proclaimed.

And so I have decided, it's just not worth it in speaking up against stubborn authority. Martyrs have long been extinguished, but I will and must still live to see the day when things will (hopefully) change.

Right now, I guess there's nothing to do but to crawl to the one concerned in apologising unreservedly and begging for forgiveness, offering my soul and wives for his grace. That's probably what he would've wanted if he had his way anyway, but it's probably going to be something along the lines of a public apology and permanent censure.

It seems all along that the only problem all along was with my sincerity, or lack thereof; At least, that's the weapon my opponents having been using against me without my knowledge. So I say, since my actions and clean records for the past years are apparently not enough as evidence, I will be utterly forthright in future and shower the authorities with praise and flowery flattery till the sky lights up with a dozen rainbows and the Care Bears come running home. Well hey, if that's their idea of being earnest, then I have no problems at all sticking with it. Especially with the sincerity they reciprocate in being oh-so-benevolent towards their charges, in their glorification similar to my aforementioned heartfelt applause, and particularly especially with their extolling of the virtue of respect and sincerity when its directed at them of course.

If the school's aim is to quell dissenting voices and turn students into submissive little communist boys (of course they'll deny that), they sure as hell have succeeded in my case.

DONE in Pacification, this Fourteenth Day of August in the Year Two Thousand and Eight.

Hwachongian Declaration on Peace and Security

Emphasising the importance of respect, sincerity and tact;

Deeply regretting the key violations towards self-delusions of image that have occurred in our midst;

Urging the Organisation to take immediate action in identifying and stamping out unconformity;

Noting with approval the Organisation's past success in protecting its own image;

  1. Endorses the use of violence to restore the image of peace and order;

  2. Deplores the use of violence and other unapproved methods against the use of violence as stated in Clause 1;

  3. Urges members to speak up when given the opportunity to, to allow the Organisation to record down that they have been open to members' views, however being mindful to:
    (a) Not raise their opinions if it is in conflict with that of the Organisation as outlined by the CEO,
    (b) In fact, raise only approval in responding towards the Organisation's actions,
    (c) Not be overly harsh or critical to avoid hurting the self-dignity and integrity of the Organisation,
    (d) Be sincere and respectful by masking any criticism under layers of praise and that it is not detected and can be glossed over in reports of the Quality of Organisation Experience, and to use the phrase "With all due heartfelt respect" whenever possible,
    (e) Overlook any of the Organisation's inherent flaws, instead haviing the integrity and initiative in leaving the Organisation voluntarily should any members have any issues they are unable to cope with,
    (e) Take any of the Organisation's chastisement towards its members as mere light-hearted jokes, for the members themselves are to blame for such lapses,
    (f) Always laugh and publicly show support at all times, particularly at any deliberate pauses when the CEO is speaking,
    (g) Never curse or swear or offend anyone, espeically not the CEO;

  4. Suggests the creation of a judicial system comprising of the CEO and anyone else he deems fit, which shall:
    (a) Determine what is right and what is wrong, contrary to the subjectivity as suggested in members' essays,
    (b) Determine the punishment to be meted out for any wrongdoings, based on an arbitrary system where anyone in the judiciary has the powers to impose them after careful deliberation lasting more than 5 seconds,
    (c) Act at any lengths necessary to uphold the public images of our esteemed Organisation;

  5. Hopes that all members will unite together as one big farmilee in the spirit of togetherness and also the common bonding due to the shared love for the Organisation.


Well, all that's left is to see what the school has to say in its closing remarks. I'll end off here with a couple of quotes, with which we are soo fond of starting assemblies with:

"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
~ Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), President (of the United States)

"When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."
~ Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Satirist

Not saying that im a true genius or anything close of course, but meh. =P

'Twas teh winnar at 11:44 pm.

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