Click anywhere on the picture (it's that giant baseball, you nut) for the good stuff.

Double-click for info for stalkers - profile, links, archives, fav brand of underwear, PIN no. etc.

v. The Singaporean version of cramming for exams, i.e. scanning notes into one's brain. As if it wasn't filled with enough junk already.

Only if Necessary
adv. The night before for classroom assessments; one day for lecture tests; and one day and night (per subject) for major examinations.

This author is currently on hiatus for the ignoble cause of mugging. The public is advised to remain calm, as this routine protocol has been shown to have no effect on one's violent tendencies in 96% of cases.

-=[ Guess who? ]=-

LZC + 09S6C + HCI
a.k.a Werewolf, WereTHEwolfz, The GREAT.
(Kickin', flippin' and breakin' to a smile.)
Amateurish MAD Bboy.
Fun-sized! <_<
Tech half-geek.
Still searching for Identity™.
Thinks 3N'07 is the best class EVAR.
...Too lazy to update his profile. D:

-=[ Links ]=-

Wei Qi
Ning Yu
Brudda Wilfie
Kuan Yue
Ben Ng
Jun Yi
Xin Fang
Bboy Shummy
Elizabeth Ann Joseph
Bing Heng
Akilan the Shanmugaratnam
Shaun's Toe Tho
Mooty Matthew
Kia Wee
Yee Jiunn
Weena (aka Ribena)

09S6C! ♥

My Old Blog

Mai DHTML Site (dead since Sec 2 Comp. Studies)

Werewolf Productions

My Flickr Photostream


This blog appeared in Digital Life on 17 Oct 2006. View the article here.

-=[ Archive ]=-

August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

What's your true personality?

Have you ever wanted to know which keyboard brand you are?

Never managed to figure it out for yourself, but think a lifeless computer algorithm could do better than you?

Well then, click >>here<< to take the FREE quiz!

Oh, and tag 25 people while you're at it.


Did you actually have the urge to click that "link"? Did you? DIDCHA? =P

It seems the amount of quizzes done on Facebook (and on blogs etc) is directly related to the amount of boredom people are experiencing. Considering it's the March holidays, that would explain the sudden surge in quiz-spamming, and why every time I refresh Facebook I see yet another note entitled, "MY TRUE AGE IS 63 YEARS OLD", "I AM 46% GAY", or "I AM 'Sexy Back' by Timberlake!!"

Please don't scare the hell out of your friends with such shocking revelations. I'd rather not know that you've kissed friend #2 before, thanks. I know such quizzes have never claimed to give accurate results (seriously, who would've thought knowing how to spell "expreince" would increase your marriage age by a year?), but hasn't it ever struck you that most of the quizzes out there either

1. Compile your responses and throw it back at you in a different format; or
2. Give some canned response no matter what your answers are

Here's an example of the first type.
How many close friends do you have?

a. Less than 5
b. 5 to 10
c. 11 to 15
d. More than 15

If you chose (a), your result would very likely go along these lines: "You are an introvert who likes to keep to yourself most of the time. You are not very comfortable around people and would prefer to limit your social circle to a few friends you can trust deeply in."

And if you chose anything else, it would be the very opposite: "You are a very sociable person who gets along well with people. You enjoy being surrounded by friends who can laugh along with you."

Such is the art of expanding an obvious fact into a nice-sounding paragraph to make you feel good about yourself.

The second type is even easier to tackle. Do you believe I have psychic powers that can travel through internet connections and can tell what your personality is simply by you visiting this page? Nope?

Click here to activate my PSYCHIC POWAHZ!

To sum it all up, if you haven't realised already, quizzes are utterly useless and serve no purpose other than to suck your life away little by little. In fact, I swear they are a conspiracy by Facebook to waste all your spare time away, now that their Mousehunt application has failed on them - it seems people have finally realised its futility and disabled it in disgust. If you're bored with REALLY nothing better to do, then well go ahead and try some quizzes so you can laugh at the results, but PLEASE don't tag others and make them waste their time on it as well. D:

Spread the word. HALT THE CONSPIRACY.

And copy this into a new note and tag 21 friends in it.

'Twas teh winnar at 3:18 pm.

Best viewed in Mozilla Firefox. IE sux, it screws the formatting.