This author is currently on hiatus for the ignoble cause of mugging. The public is advised to remain calm, as this routine protocol has been shown to have no effect on one's violent tendencies in 96% of cases.
Friday, March 23, 2007 |
![]() NOTE: This is the second time I'm taking part in the blogging competition with a Sony Cybertshot 570 at stake, so wish me luck this time! ;) I've been shortlisted for the top 20 entries! Click here to vote for me - please do show me your support! Thank you! <3 Life sucks. That seems to be the brutal reality us youths today have to face. Be it the public bus service here, unreasonable school authorities, the education system or just life (or the lack thereof) in general, it seems that we sure have a lot to grumble about. But life is never perfect - especially that of teens. How we yearn for adult/voting/spending rights; how we lust for freedom! Sigh, if only that were possible. =( No wonder we've been seeing so much "emoing" lately - it even appeared in the news, ok! Though i think ST's definitions are a little off... ![]() Yep, teenage life is all about living through frustration, be it anything from parental pressure to never having enough time to being unable to find the solution to y = (x-1)3 + 37. And this is basically what makes life sucks. Though we should probably stop mulling over the question of whether it is sadistic teachers or ourselves to blame for it all, cos it'll only serve to make us more...well, frustrated. Argh. Perhaps we should all rejoice in the enlightenment of Monty Python: always look at the bright side of life! So here comes a feeble attempt to wallow in le holy positivism... For starters, there's the wushu trainings each week: ![]() In case you were wondering, yep, that's a real sword. Even cut myself a few times on accident with it, haha. =P And then there's games: talk about Counter-Strike, AuditionSEA, Space Cowboy etc. As much as the older generation hates them, you gotta admit that they've become an integral part of our lives. If not for them, we'll all be looking like this by now: ![]() Nah, just kidding. Though games are still ever as effective for stress relief. ;) But most importantly of all, there's friends. I think almost all of us would have gone truant by now if not for them - it's just about one of the only reasons why one would possibly look forward to school. And they're what makes our lives fun and meaningful. :) Though they're capable of crazy stuff too... WARNING: The following photo has been censored for the protection of your eyes and to prevent you from being permanently blinded. ![]() But despite all the pressure to do well, to succeed in the paper chase (all "for our own good" so we don't end up as a road sweeper in future), I still try to enjoy life, or what's left of it, at least. And I believe we should all do the same too, and not let our youthful years go to waste. It's only another few years to NS for me! >_< On a final note, whatever you do, just don't go fly kite can liao... ![]() Footnote: I do enjoy capturing the world around me into memorable photos. Unfortunately, the closest to the camera i've got is a Nokie 7610, which explains why all those photos above are of rather low quality. So please, let me win the camera so I can capture the brighter side of life. Thanks for reading! =) Yeah, I know I use a lot of notes. <_< Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to post your thoughts on the tagboard! >> |
'Twas teh winnar at 12:53 am.