This author is currently on hiatus for the ignoble cause of mugging. The public is advised to remain calm, as this routine protocol has been shown to have no effect on one's violent tendencies in 96% of cases.
Saturday, March 31, 2007 |
...the bridge across the river. So yeah, one week of intense rallying later, round 6 of is finally over! And the results: I... ...did not win the Sony Cybershot W70 digital camera i so lusted for, rather obviously, haha. ![]() Congrats to Nat for coming out tops! You better treat those great friends of yours who helped you to rally so many votes and let you win a cam worth almost 500 bucks leh. xD Well, not all's woe and all, cos i just realised i actually have enough $$ in my bank account to afford a camera leh. That is, if my mum actually allows me to withdraw the money, since she's holding the bankbooks, heh. =X Of course, the feeling of actually winning the camera itself would be way more shaung, due to our kiasu mindsets for free stuff, haha. Through this competition, i got to meet other Singaporean bloggers from all ages (mostly still classified under "youths", haha). (No) Thanks to Alvin from Youth.SG for starting all the mass convos and all the intros too, heh. Keep in touch yeah, you guys? :) Not to mention that i actually got to chat with old friends who i would otherwise never have anything to talk about, heh. Rallying for votes is oddly an effective conversation starter, lol. Though on the flip side, its bad for your mental state of health and your keyboard if you've got 10 of them all chatting with you at once, especially since there's so much to catch up on. Thank Messenger Plus Live for the invention of tabbed conversations, phew. There's still one final chance to win something, though - and that's the Grand Finals of the competition. its bloody attractive too - a macbook's being dangled by the higher people up there, and its such an expensive carrot, heh. And they'll be having a judging system this time round, so the votes will only determine 50% of whether we win or not. Guess extended contact lists won't work anymore in that case, though. D: Ah well, details for the grand finals will be out tmr, if none of my friends are taking part (i have one who may be interested) i guess ill go for it then. Hopefully ill be able to blog better and get more votes by then! ;) |
'Twas teh winnar at 1:04 am.
Monday, March 26, 2007 |
Gosh, the actual Arena Grand Finals (Hwachong vs United Word College) will be airing on Ch5 in about 10 mins. Though we went down as supporters on Sunday - that's just 2 days for the crew to do the editing and stuff - so we already know the results, heh. xD So a few hundred of us hwachongians decended upon the mediacorp studio that day by means of a few rickety and dusty buses comparable to the quality (or lack thereof) of SMRT ones. When we got there, we waited at the carpark for another 1+ hour or so. And they told us to meet at 2.40 when we only entered the studio only at 4.30 or so...<_< Anyway, time to take a few quick shots of teachers, haha... (Will post some pics here later, if i can find some nice ones on my handphone) A lot of stoning around, a lot of false starts and random pinching of nipples/boobs later, we finally got to go into the "threatre". Looks like mediacorp moved the set to a bigger studio for the grand finals, so we got much more comfortable seats, whee. Some speculated that the Dance Floor was filmed in there also, so you get the idea. (More pics here later, again) Probably won't catch myself on TV or anything though, since the audience this time was damn big and i was jsut another insignificant supporter in there. Not that i really want to, anyway. =P And the intro's uber funny, haha. They really took the term "gladiators" literally, wtf. Don't miss it, i bet you'll lol at all the crazy costumes and stuff. xD Surprisingly, there were no retakes - everything went smoothly, wow. The biggest screw-up Adrian Pang made was simply a slip of the tongue and almost saying "Once upon a tim..." Though he quickly covered it up, lol. And i made a bet with Kuan Yue regarding who would win - $5 for me if HCI won, whereas $10 to him if UWC won. Against the odds, lol. So who won? Well, if you really can't wait the 2 hours for the Results Show later at 10, the spoiler's conveniently hidden below, haha. But if you want to be kept in suspense (as Adrian always does to us when announcing the results), don't click and be a guai1 boi, k? After all, curiousity kills the cat, so they say =P !Spoiler Alert! |
'Twas teh winnar at 11:49 pm.
Saturday, March 24, 2007 |
![]() A long long time ago, waaaay before's time.... There was a wish. Or to be more specific, a wishlist. And now, I have a chance to win a Sony Cybershot W70 digital camera, since ive been shortlisted for the top 20 for Round 6 of the blogging competition! (If you still haven't read it yet, click here to view my submitted entry.) You can help me fulfill 1/3 of my wishlist (yeah, i don't ask for much compared to some others =P) without paying even a single cent. Simply fill in the form below and hit "Submit" - it's that easy! Plus, you'll stand a chance to win a $10 Sakae Sushi dining voucher, so hurry! The deadline for voting is the 29th of March. Remember to vote for B7 - that's me! :D Coincidentally, "7" happens to be my lucky number too: my brother was born on the 27th of April, my dad on 17/4, and both my mum and i were both born on the 7th of July - that's a double 7! o.O Gonna be vote-rallying very intensely for the next week or so, please do show me your support! Thank you! =D |
'Twas teh winnar at 1:27 pm.
Friday, March 23, 2007 |
![]() NOTE: This is the second time I'm taking part in the blogging competition with a Sony Cybertshot 570 at stake, so wish me luck this time! ;) I've been shortlisted for the top 20 entries! Click here to vote for me - please do show me your support! Thank you! <3 Life sucks. That seems to be the brutal reality us youths today have to face. Be it the public bus service here, unreasonable school authorities, the education system or just life (or the lack thereof) in general, it seems that we sure have a lot to grumble about. But life is never perfect - especially that of teens. How we yearn for adult/voting/spending rights; how we lust for freedom! Sigh, if only that were possible. =( No wonder we've been seeing so much "emoing" lately - it even appeared in the news, ok! Though i think ST's definitions are a little off... ![]() Yep, teenage life is all about living through frustration, be it anything from parental pressure to never having enough time to being unable to find the solution to y = (x-1)3 + 37. And this is basically what makes life sucks. Though we should probably stop mulling over the question of whether it is sadistic teachers or ourselves to blame for it all, cos it'll only serve to make us more...well, frustrated. Argh. Perhaps we should all rejoice in the enlightenment of Monty Python: always look at the bright side of life! So here comes a feeble attempt to wallow in le holy positivism... For starters, there's the wushu trainings each week: ![]() In case you were wondering, yep, that's a real sword. Even cut myself a few times on accident with it, haha. =P And then there's games: talk about Counter-Strike, AuditionSEA, Space Cowboy etc. As much as the older generation hates them, you gotta admit that they've become an integral part of our lives. If not for them, we'll all be looking like this by now: ![]() Nah, just kidding. Though games are still ever as effective for stress relief. ;) But most importantly of all, there's friends. I think almost all of us would have gone truant by now if not for them - it's just about one of the only reasons why one would possibly look forward to school. And they're what makes our lives fun and meaningful. :) Though they're capable of crazy stuff too... WARNING: The following photo has been censored for the protection of your eyes and to prevent you from being permanently blinded. ![]() But despite all the pressure to do well, to succeed in the paper chase (all "for our own good" so we don't end up as a road sweeper in future), I still try to enjoy life, or what's left of it, at least. And I believe we should all do the same too, and not let our youthful years go to waste. It's only another few years to NS for me! >_< On a final note, whatever you do, just don't go fly kite can liao... ![]() Footnote: I do enjoy capturing the world around me into memorable photos. Unfortunately, the closest to the camera i've got is a Nokie 7610, which explains why all those photos above are of rather low quality. So please, let me win the camera so I can capture the brighter side of life. Thanks for reading! =) Yeah, I know I use a lot of notes. <_< Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to post your thoughts on the tagboard! >> |
'Twas teh winnar at 12:53 am.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 |
After 2 utter redundant rounds of rehersals, we finally had the actual Founder's Day prize-giving ceremony today. And this time, it was spent sleeping (almost) all the way through. Too bad the college auditorium seats were those standard plastic seats with foldable tables - only the VIPs get cushioned seats! *envy* - so it wasn't a really conducive envrionment for sleeping. Had to make do with palms as head rests. =( Surprisingly for once though, most of the alumni/VIPs' speeches weren't that boring after all, though i still did doze off in the later portions. I say "most" becos there was one speech which was so plain boring, everyone clapped and cheered loudly when it finally ended. And - surprise, surprise - it was made by some MP of some GRC (think it was Sembawang). Can't exactly rmb the exact details for that guy, since sleep does clear your memory. Apparently, Mr. Hon was his Physics teacher back in the old days, thus he so creatively based his speech on Newton's three laws of motion. Blatant bootlicking *ahem*. So he was like, relating the theories to our problems and whatnot...and i fell asleep halfwalf through the first one. Though one of my JC friends said he got the second law wrong - apparently he didn't study physics in JC. Baaad student. But that's something new, lol - Mr. Hon teaching Physics? o.O And the prizes for the JC winners are sooo much better than ours. They get nice trophies and plaques, whereas we get only certificates where the most visually appealing thing was the ribbon used to tie it up. Crumpled and tore it by accident on the bus later. D: Ah well, at least we got $30 Kinokuniya vouchers for sitting around for 4 hours. But come to think of it, it's not really that worth - even working part-time for that few hours nets you a higher salary, heh. Then again, it's not often we get rewarded for sleeping, else everyone would be millionaires by now. Well, there's otehr benefits too: we got to skip some crap CIP activities too. Apparently, 3N got sent to some mission hospital in Simei to render gardening services, but looks like they ended up clearing the longkang and sweeping the floor instead. Not to mention that we got released slightly earlier too. =P And YYY took 3 servings of the "light refreshments" at the reception after. Thanks to the presence of the VIPs, the food was uber nice - way better than a lunch at poolside, our original intention. And the desserts are just heavenly <3 - brownies, oreo cheesecake, custard pastries...zomg! Eventually, the utensils actually ran out before the food did, since they actually had refills for the latter, wow. Oh gosh, ive just realised that ive dedicated 3 entire posts to this prize-giving thingy already. What a waste of time on an unimportant and largely useless topic. I swear, this shall be my last post on it. =X |
'Twas teh winnar at 11:47 pm.
'Twas teh winnar at 9:10 pm.
Sunday, March 18, 2007 |
Sunday, the time when we are finally free from school, EP3 (did someone mention the 5-day work week?) and can finally get a good day of slack. That is, until we realise its the last day of the March holidays and there's still a thick pile of homework we haven't touched yet. And the mood is downright depressing, I tell you. No wonder so many people have been going emo lately. I've been gaming a little too much this week, heh. Time to get out of the holiday mood and face the realities of school life and KEVIN CHENG. Oh gawd, i still have an English presentation to prepare for tmr. Hopefully Mr. Cheng gets hit by the Monday blues too, so he feel so sian that he'll postpone the deadline. And thy holidays shalt wrap up with us making prudent use of the time during Monday morning doing work as a collective entity. Only together, will we achieve positive freedom! (If you don't know what that means, wait till our [crappy] presentation tmr. Or Tuesday. Or Wednesday. Or sometime when KC feels like it, hopefully not too soon though.) |
'Twas teh winnar at 11:00 pm.
'Twas teh winnar at 11:04 pm.
Thursday, March 15, 2007 |
...are a waste of time. And rehersals are even more so. I just wasted 2 hours today attending some Founder's Day prize presentation ceremony rehersal, since it was utterly compulsory for prize winners to attend. Well, it could have been 3 hours, since i had forgotten about it until Ben called to remind me, so i ended up 1 hour late by the time i rushed to school. I so wish i hadn't dragged my sleepy self out of bed to pick up the phone. Eventually, i ended up spending most of my time sitting around playing Ancient Empires (<_<) on my phone, with the exception of the one minute when i was supposed to go up on stage to receive For the record though, there was at least one mildly interesting bit: watching the track and field captain run up the stairs to the back of the auditorium, then the full length of the audi before coming back down again. That's cos he's so pro that he has to go up on stage to receive multiple awards...and it just so happens that they're right beside each other. Yet the teachers wouldn't allow him to cut across the front of the stage - "show the audience some respect" - which explains the sprinting that poor guy has to do. Well, putting his track and field training into practice, eh. Talk about inflexibility of the teachers. Heck, they even barred us from leaving even though our turn was over and we weren't even paying attention to the proceedings anyway. "This is a very important event...Just because some are leaving early doesn't mean all of you can go, you have an obligation to stay until 12pm!" Walao eh, like that i rather just turn up sick and get Mdm. Cao to pass the prize to me the day afetr that lor. Do we really need TWO rehersals (x3 runs each) just to know how to bow, greet the guy up there "Good morning, sir," and receive our prize from him, then reply "Thank you, sir," and bow to the audience again? I mean, that's so...primary school! Better still, why not scrap the prize-giving ceremony altogether? Instead, simply mail the prize or whatever to us, or get us to go to the admin office to collect our prize directly. I suppose a formal flowery ceremony does look grand and all, but what actual use does it serve? Probably to glorify the prize winners (and the school's good name, along with it.) But how long does this "glory" actually last? Probably just for the few seconds that one is up on stage, or at most till the next edition of the school magazine when the photos are released. After that, they just become random names in a sea of faceless people. The truth is, no one cares. Name after name, award after award ("to honour so-and-so, a great father of this-and-that," the emcees would explain) monotonously read out - what's the significance? After the novelty wears off, it just become another period to doze off or chat with friends. Its even more agonising when you have to sit through such a ceremony where you're not one of those being honoured. You're just made use of so as to make the audience seem slightly larger and the entire ceremony, more magnificent. And also for the Guest of Honour to go "Wow, there's such an appreciative audience today" when he goes up on stage to give an ever-so-cliched opening/closing speech. Its not as if we don't have busy enough lives already. Out with all the niceties! In with practicality! And Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, former alumni of Hwa Chong Institution (etc...) will be able to lead a longer and more meaningful life too. |
'Twas teh winnar at 2:44 pm.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 |
Today's t3h 1337 day, cos it's 13/03/07! Like zomgwtf! (Excuse me for the lameness, yeah.) We had our iCMG/CMC training And of course when that happens, you can expect the schedule to be delayed by 1 hour (attendance taking and crapping around took half an hour by itself), people like Yu Fan actually presenting, and everyone in general not even giving a damn at all. Yeah, Yu Fan actually took the trouble to kope some 1337 presentation and notes from some St John's course conducted at some neighbourhood school - without even changing the names/credits - and present it word for word! That probably explains the attitude, or lack thereof, throughout the day. It was a blessing in disguise that no teachers were there too, in a way, because the entire 3N CMC decided to sneak out after Yu Fan's horrible presentation. Well, not really - we simply walked out of the back door without anyone noticing. Then we walked over to Coronation Plaza, walked aimlessly around, bought some bubble tea and then return to the Lecture Theatre where the training thingy was held. Sho guai1 =P The activities later were slightly better - we got to catch a sight of Bing humping the lion (models) and get Kai Li, blindfolded, to knock over Bo Yan. Eventually they decided to cut off the remaining few presentation since they were running out of time, heh. =) Of course, you can imagine what the feedback forms were like after such a 1337 event. ;) And to wrap it all up, HCI utterly pwnd Loyang Sec in today's episode of the Arena with a score of 89 - 11. (Though it's not like we already knew the score a month ago, lol.) U83R1337N355!!1!!1 |
'Twas teh winnar at 1:43 am.
'Twas teh winnar at 9:48 am.
Thursday, March 08, 2007 |
![]() NOTE: I'm taking part in a blogging competition, so don't be too surprised at the unusual nature of this post... Being the last-minute chiongster that i am, im rushing out this post just b4 the competition deadline tmr morning. Luckily i remembered the date in time though... D: As much as i am under pressure from deadlines like this - especially since i have a natural defect in prioritisation (as the adults call it) and gaming tends to come out tops - i don't actually feel as much of the heat from work. And its all thanks to music. Right now im listening to Cyber Lover by Turbo on Winamp, just another random song on my "favorites" playlist. Somehow, music helps to relax my mind, yet makes me concentrate better at the same time. So i don't understand why adults hate music, with all that complaints about us teens blasting music in MRTs and public places etc. Unless of course you're sleeping and the guy next to you decided to switch his iPod to full volume, you should actually appreciate the free music lor. Talking about the iPod: have you ever wondered why those figures shown in the ads are like, completely black in colour? No, not that Apple is racist, lol. My guess is that black is a neutral colour, so those figures represent everyone in the world, saying that everyone should own an iPod. Yeah, even your pet dog. ![]() It's hard to imagine how far music has come along. From sticks and stones to some bloody animal hide strecthed over some hollowed-out wood (The Flintstones xD) to reeds, flutes, cymbals, bands and what-have-you. Music has definitely shaped the human race, sharpened our aesthetic appreciation, let us enjoy music and the arts. It connects people - not just via earphones, but also by bringing about common interests and habits, allowing people to identify with each other. We even have (primary) schools extolling the benefits of music education. Although the only thing i can play is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on the recorder. =P But still, like my friends, i indulge in music and subscribe to pop culture (not to mention the mrbrown show too.) I daresay we won't be able to live without music. For example, just take a look at some of the games, a major portion of our teenage lives today. We have games solely based on music: Audition and Dance Dance Revolution, just to name a couple. I've played both games before and i must say they're quite good - go try them and feel the rhythm pulsing through your body. =D ![]() Sadly, all ive got for "music on the go" is a Nokia 7610 - i don't own an iPod, or any of those copycat "X-Free" MP3 players from China for that matter. I feel i deserve - nay, i need - better music quality for the soul. So let me win this competition, and inject some music into a fellow youth's otherwise dull life. ;) Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to post your thoughts on the tagboard! >> |
'Twas teh winnar at 5:03 pm.
'Twas teh winnar at 12:14 am.
'Twas teh winnar at 10:34 pm.
'Twas teh winnar at 11:49 pm.